Thursday, August 12, 2010

Shortcuts....Always Easy

Well, here we go again. About 60 degrees out here. High overcast. Not raining. Moles are having their last meal in our backyard. Poor little rascals. And don't worry....I'm not using dynamite this time. It is a product from your local gardening store. Put it simply.......don't want it on your cereal.

Things to ponder, wonder, question.......

* Put your shopping cart back, only if you have to go a short distance. Someone else will put it back if it is a long way.....

* Be polite. Only when others are watching.

* Practice what you preach. Only when important.

* Treat most groups of people with respect; all others with indifference.

* Talk more. Listen less.

* Do not pick up litter. Just step over it.

* It's OK to be rude, when others are rude to you. Really, it's OK.

* Behave any way you want. It doesn't matter what others might see.

* Set your standards low. Much easier.

* Someone else can be a role model to the neighbors kids. They don't need you.

* Use email, or texting for thank-yous. Less hassle than a written thank-you note.

* Eat the last bowl of ice cream. Do not share it with anyone.


Smell the roses.
Listen to birds.
Appreciate all kinds of weather.
Put others first.
Treasure the simple things.
Get rid of selfishness.
See something good in everyone.
Get rid of critical.
Find compassion.
Do the right thing.
Live life.
Be Happy.

And, it is still 60, overcast, not raining. Sorry moles. Life is good.

See ya pals. Tomg.


  1. Tom,
    First... please feel free to send some of that 60 degree weather this way... I'm sick to death of highs around 100 (without heat index). However, please don't send the moles!
    Your first set of ponderings, hmmm the only one I can "mostly" agree to is keeping ice cream to myself, although in this house, Wayne and I have always shared ice cream! I need to print the second list out, something sweet to strive for!
    Out there wondering where all your little moles will go? Dee Dee

  2. Alright, a whack a mole game right in your own back yard. Are there going to be prizes? I agree with Dee Dee...send your weather to the east. I've always been the person saying, "the hotter the better", but this is out of control. I love your list of "things to ponder". Have a grand day!

  3. I see you are king of the mountain in this photo.

    Moles - be fearful.
