Thursday, November 25, 2010
Sunday, August 29, 2010
He does anything he wants in the woods.

The previous post showed a 'bear' chasing me......That bear is not real......just a carving I have in my backyard......I used it as I could not find the real picture above........
PS. you should have heard the splash when this bear hit the water after me. To say we all started running is an understatement. We were pretty much done with the picnic. Just a little potato salad left.
Saturday, August 28, 2010
Do bears poop in the woods? Do they like blue tents?
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Shortcuts....Always Easy
Thursday, August 5, 2010
Very busy, not crabby
Today, August 14th, I must get ready for my trip to the barber, doctor, dentist, financial planner, neighbor, 7-11, ice cream shop, church, museum, park, and then when I'm all done with that, I will meet a friend for coffee at 9AM at the local Starbucks. And I'm buyin' me a cinnamon roll with the money my wife gave me. I love my wife.
Then after that, I go home. At that time, I start to be funny. At around 6PM I'm takin' a nap, and after that, I'm going to bed.
Good day all you pals.
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
I'm doing fine.......
Saturday, July 24, 2010
Post, or else.....

Saturday, July 3, 2010
Random Thoughts & Confusion
Hey pals of the world and all other life out there in the Universe. Good Day! As you can see from the above pictures, I just had a hard time deciding which beverage to drink. Here is my decision. I decided to drink 5 cups of coffee today, and 7 cans of Diet Ditto. Around here near Seattle, we call it Pretend 7-up. It is so delicious. I spend $1.99 a half case at Safeway for Diet Ditto if I buy 15 half cases at a time. I think it's $2.09 for a half case one at a time. I take advantage and buy the 15 cases. Last count, I have a ton of Diet Ditto in the garage. Stacked all the way to the ceiling. That's the good news....bad news....I lost my gardening tools in the garage.....not really.....just my bike.
Monday, June 21, 2010
Saturday, June 19, 2010
I hope she doesn't find me
Hey....Chris is looking for me. I don't know what for. But she has that certain
sound. It's either dishes, laundry, paint the house, clean the garage, pull 5 large weeds, or
15 small ones, mow the lawn, go help the neighbor, wash her car, or just a good honest effort of any chore of my choosing. I just want to daydream.......about ice cream.
"Oh, take the dogs for a walk? Sure! Can I take Arthur?"
"Yes Tom, you can take Arthur. He is one of two dogs in the house dummy!"
"Oh...that's right"
See you later pals.
Going to the park with Arthur, Lucy, and Wifey.
I'm not that nervous any more.
Friday, June 18, 2010
More Pictures, Less Thinking, More Humming

Wednesday, June 16, 2010
The most fun I've ever had in my entire life

I went to work today, to work in a classroom at a local high school. I was late by a few minutes because I fell asleep on my bed......just a little cat nap...I even set my trusty Verizon cell phone (you know, that thing you talk on, text on, look up the stock market on, look up the weather on, etc.) alarm clock feature hoping it would awake luck....slept through it.....late to the classroom. When I did arrive, I felt sluggish, weepy, miserable, sweaty, and hot....102 degrees hot. Pretty darn ill. So, I got on the phone, called the main office, and they told me to go home.
Went home and piled onto my bed in a heap of clothes that I had not folded in a couple of months. Good thing my wife didn't notice about the clothes. She is a stickler when it comes to folding clothes. She has told me several times over our 31 years of marriage, that she wants my clothes folded within a month of washing them. I have trouble with that.
What does 'weepy' mean. Used that in the first paragraph.
Hey....talking about cell phones, here in Warshington State, a new law went into affect that says no more cell phone use...talking or texting...while driving. What a dumb law. People never get in wrecks while doing those phone things at 78 miles per hour on the freeway, zipping in and out of traffic, eating doughnuts, and watching Kaptain Kangaroo. Yea, right. There are alot of sad drivers out here in Warshington because of that new law.....actual tears running down their cheeks because they can't use their cell phones. Big Babies. Thank goodness it's still OK to put my make-up on while driving.
And those that still use their phones....they'll get caught....$124 fine. Fine!!! Big Babies.
Some of my wife's students are putting their cell phones in the glove compartment of their students. I'm going to duct tape my phone to the top of my car. I tested myself. I can actually reach over, open the glove compartment, answer any call, talk a little, and drive the dang's all how you adjust the rear view mirror. Ricochet the mirror off the back window and remember that the image you see is a 'negative' of what you actually see.......My wife is never driving with me again. I still love the girl though.
Our Seattle Mariners keep losing. Good ownership. Good management. Good fans. Good stadium. Horrible hitters. We'll see how they end up come September. And for those of you that think the Mariners still play in the Kingdome.....wrong, wrong wrong. Our stadium is called Safeco field. Google it. If you look carefully, the picture used has me standing on the very top of it....I could not believe they used that picture. You'll need (what my dad use to call) a spyglass, which is really called a magnifying glass. My dad died.
Now.....lets talk weather. Very wet out here. Don't believe those that say it rains quite abit out here in Seattle. They lie. Those liers. It rains all the time out here. We had one day of sun last year. October 7th. Set a record on sun screen sales at our local Wal Marts.
But Costco is where it all happens. It is, hands down, my favorite place to shop. Where else can you buy bermuda shorts, gallon size of pineapple pieces (Love you Kimmy), bump into other shoppers grocery carts and not have them mad at you? Costco is a happy place. Like my son-in-law, I whistle when I shop at Costco.
Now, to say goodbye for now.......Why did God create not one species of penguins, but seventeen different species of Penguins!!! Seventeen! Food for thought. Thank you Lord for this amazing day!
Tuesday, June 8, 2010

I have evidently misplaced the following items at my house.....any donations, or helpful hints, on how to keep track of these, would be appreciated.
1. My roll of duct tape. I have a gutter that needs some work.
2. Ballpeen hammer. I fix lots of stuff with this handy tool. With me always.
3. Gorilla Glue. I just discovered this. It will fix anything.
4. And, I put down my jam sandwich (out of peanut butter...on the Costco list)
I think my neighbor got it.
Sunday, May 2, 2010
Cooking For Me
Thursday, April 29, 2010
My Lovely Snoring Wife

You may think that this is Groucho and his girlfriend. Well, it is Groucho, but it is my wife that he is with! She was all over the place at this party......not a drop of wine either. Plain coke.
I cut her off early. I made her sleep in the family room that night. Not because I was mad at was the obnoxious snoring. She drinks nothing but root beer snoring! Love that girl.
Lulu's Special Call
how I wonder who you are
up above the world so high
like a diamond in the sky.
Twinkle, twinkle little star,
how I wonder who you are.
I love you Papa! Call me!
The above was left on my cell phone
after I came off of my graveyard job.
Being a grandparent is unbelievable!
Thank you Lulu. I love you!!!!
Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Wednesday, March 31, 2010
27 years ago, your mother was born. Kimberly. But in my mind and heart, she became my wonderful daughter Kimmy. It is hard to imagine that my little daughter is now 27 years old. As most parents do, we think back that it was just yesterday......
While holding Kimmy for the first time in the delivery room, she arched her back so hard that I almost dropped her.
And, thinking in the delivery room how absolutely wonderful it was to have a daughter. Also thinking that I wanted Kimmy to be one year old.......Thats when the real fun begins. I couldn't wait.
Visiting Cannon Beach......As a very young little girl, Kimmy could make it down to Haystack Rock (about 1 mile) without too much trouble, but she could barley think of the return trip, and about that time, she would give me that very sad, tired , hungry look.......OK Kimmy. Hop on my back, I'll carry you.....a few rest stops along the way of course.....
Kimmy sitting in the back of our station wagon, also at Cannon Beach, with the windows down, maybe 4 to 5 years old, yelling at people as they walked past the car......yelling funny things, or gibberish.....and then, like a statue, not moving, when those yelled at, looked for this little thing with so much mischief.
And your mommy also was good at getting her older brother in trouble. Kimmy would love to antagonize uncle Todd while they both were in the back seat of our huge Buick Electra. (it would seat about 20) For along time, Grandma and I would get mad at Todd when Kimmy would start crying that her brother had "touched her"...or..."hit her" in the back day I decided
to turn the rear view mirror so that I could watch the back seat......we found that as Kimmy would be looking out the window, she would all of a sudden yell out "Todd hit me!" Kimmy was a little trouble maker.
Lulu and Levi.....ask your mom about the copper sheet we used with's a pretty funny story.
I could go on and on......Your mommy, Lulu and Levi, is the best. She learned from the best, and has total love in her heart for you both. Your grandma and Papa are so proud of her. She is the best daughter, person, wife, and friend to all of us. People admire her, because she is a loving, and, wonderful mom, daughter, sister, friend, and wife!
Kimmy. I love you.
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Friday, March 12, 2010
Chair Man, and other oddities
Hi there. I just had a lesson on how to move words, and pictures, when blogging, posting, or whatever this is that I'm doing. Oh rats, my wife says I have to start cooking now, so I have to go. She's scary. Maybe I'll come back this evening when I'm done folding the clothes. You laugh....this is serious addition to dancing, I'm a folder. Good with socks and towels. By the way, I have two types of socks, and, only 2 colors. About 20 pairs of white for casual dining, and, about 2 pair of black for when I go jogging.
So a fond farewell from my chair, who I taught to smile....... and me. (the smiling chair is way at the top of this post in case you missed it). You are all good people out there..... decide to make a difference tomorrow. Take care. Eat I Scream. Tom
PS It took me 5 years to teach my chair to smile.
Sunday, February 28, 2010
Goodbye February, Hello March
Friday, February 19, 2010
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
A dream I had, and my wife woke me up thank goodness......
Saturday, February 13, 2010
I love Coffee
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
More stuff from the new Blogger
Now to get serious. My wife told me that my son is going to start a new job within his son is a Biologist, and is halfway through his Masters in Biology from the University of Nebraska......doing it through the Internet. Sort of peculiar as he and his wife live in downtown Nebraska. Anyway, his new assignment is to watch for wildlife and marine life off of a boat, that may be affected by a new pier being built with lots of noisy pilings being pounded into the earth....6 month assignment starting in June. My wish for my son is that he sings "I'M POPEYE THE SAILOR MAN" to the boats captain every day. That's the kind of stuff our world needs. I think so. I'm very proud of my son. He is a very smart guy, and he is married to a very smart lady, who just received her masters also in Environmental Science. Hey pal, what is mitochondria? Text it to me.
My sons name is either Bill, John, Allen, Todd. He lives with his wife in the city of Nebraska, Oakland, Tacoma, Missoula. Good luck.
OK, what else. Talking of family, I am so proud of all of them. Even the ones I've never met. Those guys are probably good people. But, my wife, my beautiful daughter, her husband, and my 2 grandchildren, plus my son and daughter in law.....I could not be more proud, and I am very blessed. Someday I'll let you all know real names, give pictures, towns, and generally more personal information. I will do that when my wife lets me. I'm afraid of my wife. She's scary. Well, off to do some dusting. I love dusting. I love life. Thank you Lord.
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
The picture of me in my first post is not really me, but it is a picture that my wife liked, so I used it. I love my wife. My day today has been busy.....packed my van with a bunch of stuff out of a warehouse we own. My wife says she owns 90% of the warehouse...I own 10%. 31 years of
love and affection. Now....I have to get some paperwork done for my a couple of customers later on, then come home, cook dinner, do the dishes, dust the furniture, clean the bathrooms, and all kinds of other man things. I haven't come across any crabby people today, but the day is young...I love meeting crabby people. I try to make their day better by doing some foolish smiling at them, saying hello to does work. Stay tuned.
Over and out, and we will see you again.